Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy


Personal Ledger Account (P.L.A.)

For the month of…………200……….




Name of the factory
With address and

EC Code No.

Date and SL.No. of entryParticulars of credit/debit DocumentNo. DateCentral excise Tariff Sub-heading numberEC code of the buyerBasic Excise Duty
Description of documents with name of treasury where necessaryCreditDebitBalanceCreditDebitBalance

Cess on CommoditiesMiscellaneousSignature of he Assessee or his agent
CreditDebitBal- anceCreditDebitBal- anceCreditDebitBal- anceCreditDebitBal- ance

    1. This account should be prepared in triplicate using indelible pencil and double sided carbon. The original and duplicate copies should be detached and sent to the Central Excise Officer- Incharge alongwith the R.T. 12 Return.

    2. Columns 7 to 9 of the Form have been left blank to be used for showing the appropriate type of duty and the duty credited and debited there against.

    3. No. and date of invoice against which debit is raised in this account should be shown in Col. 3.

    4. Where single invoice covers goods falling under different sub-heading, separate entries shall be made for each of such sub-heading.

    5. Where consolidated debit entry is permitted to be made at the end of the day, separate entries shall be made for each sub-heading.

    6. Assessee may exclude from their Accounts those of the Columns 7 to 11 which are inapplicable.

    7. The closing balance in the last month’s PLA should be brought and shown in the column for credit against the entry “balance BF”. Which should be verified by the C.A.O. with the closing balance in the last month’s PLA.

Presented by eximkey.com

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