Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy


Letter of Undertaking

For removal for export of excisable goods without payment of duty


The President of India (hereinafter called the "President"), acting through the Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise or Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise or the Maritime Commissioner or such Central Excise Officer duly authorised by the Central Board of Excise and Customs, constituted under the Central Board of Revenue Act, 1963 (54 of 1963) (hereinafter called “the Board”)_____________________[Address of the office].

I/We ...................................of..........................…………… (Address of the factory) having Central Excise Registration No…………………………………………… , hereinafter called "the undertaker(s) including my/our respective heirs, executors/ administrators, legal representatives/successors and assigns by these presents, hereby jointly and severally undertake on this...................day of.................... to the President.

  1. to export the excisable goods removed from my/our factory/warehouse/approved place of storage without payment of duty under rule 19 of the Central Excise (No.2) Rules, 2001 within six months from the date of such removal or such extended period as may be permitted by the jurisdictional Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise or the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise or the Maritime Commissioner or the Central excise Officer duly authorised by the Board;

  2. to observes all the provisions of the Central Excise (No.2) Rules, 2001and all such amendments thereto as may be issued from time to time to be observed, in respect of export of excisable goods to a foreign country;

  3. to export the goods to the satisfaction of the Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise or the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise having jurisdiction over the factory of production or manufacture

  4. pay the excise duty payable on such excisable goods in the event of failure to export them, along with an amount equal to interest prescribed under section 11AB of the Central Excise Act, 1944 [OLD- twenty four percent interest per annum] on the amount of duty not paid, from the date of removal for export till the date of payment.

(In Annexure-II, in clause (d), the words "interest prescribed under section 11AB of the Central Excise Act, 1944" has been substituted vide NTF. NO. 20/2007-CE(N.T.), DT. 19/04/2007)

I/We declare that this undertaking is given under the orders of the Board for the performance of enacts in which the public are interested.

Signature(s) of undertaker(s).

Date :
Place :


		(3) Name and Address 		Occupation				(4) Name and Address 		Occupation

Accepted by me on this................................................day of
.........................(month)........................................ (year)
............................ of Central Excise, (Designation)
for and on behalf of the President of India.

(Above Annexure 15 has been substituted vide NTF. NO. 42/2001-CE(N.T.), DT. 26/06/2001)



Letter of Undertaking
For removal for export of excisable goods without payment of duty


The President of India (hereinafter called the "President"), acting through the AssistantCommissioner of Central Excise or Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise or the Maritime Commissioneror such Central Excise Officer duly authorised by the Central Board of Excise and Customs, constitutedunder the Central Board of Revenue Act, 1963 (54 of 1963) (hereinafter called “theBoard”)_____________________[Address of the office].

I/We ...................................of..........................…………… (Address of the factory) having Central ExciseRegistration No…………………………………………… , hereinafter called "the undertaker(s) includingmy/our respective heirs, executors/ administrators, legal representatives/successors and assigns by thesepresents, hereby jointly and severally undertake on this...................day of.................... to the President.

  1. to export the excisable goods removed from my/our factory/warehouse/approved place of storagewithout payment of duty under rule 19 of the Central Excise (No.2) Rules, 2001 within six monthsfrom the date of such removal or such extended period as may be permitted by the jurisdictionalAssistant Commissioner of Central Excise or the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise or theMaritime Commissioner or the Central excise Officer duly authorised by the Board;

  2. to observes all the provisions of the Central Excise (No.2) Rules, 2001and all such amendments theretoas may be issued from time to time to be observed, in respect of export of excisable goods to a foreigncountry;

  3. to export the goods to the satisfaction of the Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise or the DeputyCommissioner of Central Excise having jurisdiction over the factory of production or manufacture

  4. pay the excise duty payable on such excisable goods in the event of failure to export them, along withan amount equal to twenty four percent interest per annum on the amount of duty not paid, from thedate of removal for export till the date of payment.

I/We declare that this undertaking is given under the orders of the Board for the performance of enactsin which the public are interested.

Signature(s) of undertaker(s).

Date :
Place :


		(3) Name and Address 		Occupation		(4) Name and Address 		Occupation

Accepted by me on this................................................day of .........................(month) .................…………….....(year)

………………………………..of Central Excise, (Designation)
for and on behalf of the President of India. ]

Presented by eximkey.com

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