Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy

Particulars of receipt of inputs or partially processed goods under Rule 4 (6) of the Cenvat Credit Rules, 2002

(To be maintained by Job Worker)

Sr. No.Date of receiptChallan No. and DateDescri-ption of goodsTariff Heading / Sub Heading No.Total Quan-tity recei-vedIdenti-fication on marks if anyNature of Proce-ssing Quantity of finished goods obtained after processingWaste obtainedLoss or gain in processingQuantity finished goods clearedInvoice No. & Date / ARE-1 No. & DateParticulars of payment of duty on finished goodsQuantity of waste returned / cleared on payment of dutyParticulars of paument of duty on waste materialDate of Export if the finished goods are cleared for export]

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