Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy

Intimation in respect of duty paid excisable goods brought into the factory premises under Rule 16 of Central Excise Rules, 2002

The Superintendent of Central Excise,

I hereby declare that the under mentioned consignment of excisable goods has been received by me/ us at our licensed premises on .............................. at ................................. hrs for the purpose of ..............................................

Name and address of the supplier of the goodsNo. and date of challan under which goods are receivedDescription and variety of goodsNo. of packages received with identification marksQuantity as shown in the challanQuantity received Tariff Item No. and invoice / gate pass No. under which duty was paid, if anyDetail of certificate reg. duty paid value of goods from the supplier of the goods sent for reprocessing

I/ We declare that the goods received are identifiable with the description given in the challans to my/our entire satisfaction. The goods will be reprocessed and removed within six months period from the date of receipt. I/ we have entered the particulars of the consignment in my/our Register / records separately maintained for the purposes.

Signature of the Licensee or
his Authorised Agent]

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