Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy
Standardisation of Adhoc Norms


For standardization of norms, an application may be made by manufacturer exporter or merchant exporter tied to supporting manufacturer, duly filled in with complete data. Such applications shall be made to NC in ANF 4B.

Import of fuel may also be allowed under SION by NC subject to following: -

(a) Facility of import of fuel shall be allowed only to manufacturer having captive power plant.

(b) In cases where SION specifically allows fuel, same shall be permitted under advance Authorisation. However, if fuel is not covered specifically under SION, it may be allowed as per General Fuel Policy for products covered under SION or under paragraph 4.7 above.

(c) Fuel should be allowed only against an actual user Authorisation. However in case of DFIA, fuel can only be transferred to agencies granted marketing rights by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas.

(d) Deleted

(e) Applications for fixation of fuel entitlement for new sectors and modification of the existing entitlement as per General Note for Fuel in HBP v2 would be made to NC along with requisite data in ANF 4C pertaining to “Data Sheet for Fuel Rate”.

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