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NTF. NO. 32/2002-CE(N.T.), DT. 17/09/2002

NTF. NO. 38/2001-CE(N.T.), DT. 26/06/2001 - Excise Officers Designated as Customs Officers for EOUs/EPZ etc. Units

G.S.R. (E).- In exercise of powers conferred by clause (b) of section 2 of the Central Excise Act, 1944 read with sub-rule (1) of rule 3 and rule 33 of the Central Excise Rules, 2002, the Central Board of Excise and Customs makes the following amendment in the notification of the Government of India Ministry of Finance, Notification No. 38/2001-Central Excise (N.T.) dated the 26th June, 2001, namely: -

In the said notification, in the TABLE, for S.No. 7 and the entries relating thereto, the following shall be substituted, namely:-

7. Officers of Customs in Export Processing Zones, or Special Economic Zones, or in whose jurisdiction hundred percent export oriented undertakings are located, namely:-

1. Commissioner
2. Additional Commissioner
3. Joint Commissioner
4. Assistant Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner
5. Appraiser
6. Examiner
7. Preventive Officer

1. Commissioner
2. Additional Commissioner
3. Joint Commissioner
4. Assistant Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner
5. Superintendent
6. Inspector
7. Inspector


Under Secretary to the Government of India

Note: The principal notification No.38/2001-Central Excise (N.T.), dated the 26th June,2001 was published in the Gazette of India vide GSR 467(E) dated 26th June, 2001, was last amended vide Ntf. No. 01/2003(NT)-CE, Dt. 13/01/2003.

(Pl. refer Circular No.662/53/2002-CX, Dt. 17/09/2002 for Central Excise Registration-new instructions)

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