Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy


Duty Free Replenishment Certificate
Duty Free Replenishment Certificate is issued to a merchant-exporter or manufacturer-exporter for the import of inputs used in the manufacture of goods without payment of Basic Customs Duty, Surcharge and Special Additional Duty. However, such inputs shall be subject to the payment of Additional Customs Duty equal to the Excise Duty at the time of import.
  1. Duty Free Replenishment Certificate shall be issued only in respect of export products covered under the SIONs as notified by DGFT.
  2. Duty Free Replenishment Certificate shall be issued for import of inputs, as per SION, having same quality, technical characteristics and specifications as those used in the end product and as indicated in the shipping bills. The validity of such licences shall be 12 months. DFRC and or the material imported against it shall be freely transferable.
  3. The Duty Free Replenishment Certificate shall be subject to a minimum value addition of 33%
  4. The export products, which are eligible for modified VAT, shall be eligible for CENVAT credit owever, non excisable, non dutiable or non centrally vatable products, shall be eligible for drawback at the time of exports in lieu of additional customs duty to be paid at the time of imports under the scheme.
  5. The exporter shall be entitled for drawback benefits in respect of any of the duty paid materials, whether imported or indigenous, used in the export product as per the drawback rate fixed by Directorate of Drawback (Ministry of Finance). The drawback shall however be restricted to the duty paid materials not covered under SION.
  6. The export under deffered payment scheme to Russia is also allowed for issuance of DFRC.
The difference between DFRC & Advance Licence together with DEPB is as under DFRC is transferable script available on post export basis. In this case basic custom duty surcharge and special additional duty is exempted but payment of additional customs duty (CBD) is applicable Advance Licence is issued with actual user condition and non transferable.In this case all duties of customs and excise are exempted DEPB is transferable script available on post export basis for the duty incident on the custom duty incident on the import content of the export product.The importer has the option to pay additional customs duty if any in cash as well .


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