Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy
Customs Duty Drawback Simplified Drawback Scheme Simplified Drawback Scheme

Direct imports of materials/components made by the manufacturer and foreign materials obtained locally by the manufacturer during the period commencing three months prior to the date of shipment/first shipment upto the date of application, for manufacture of __________________________________________________(Name of export product).

S.No.DescriptionS.No.in DBK I Statement B/E No. and date under which importedName of Customs HouseUnitQty. importedAssessable value


Rate of duty (Basic +SAD + CVD)Is the assessment finalAmount of duty paid (to be indicated separately for Basic + SAD + CVD)Name and full address of the supplier in case the foreign materials/components obtained locallyRemarks


    1. If any of the materials mentioned above have also been imported originally by a person other than the exporter, a purchase receipt alongwith its Invoice mentioning inter alia the Bill of Entry vide which the importation has been effected and a Disclaimer from the original importer to the effect that (he has no objection for claim of drawback in respect of the imported materials by the exporter; (ii) that no exemption from payment of Customs duty for the import of the materials under the relevant Bills of Entry have been availed should be furnished alongwith the relevant details of the Customs Duty paid)

    2. The exporter should also certify that the benefit of drawback of the Customs Duty paid for the goods imported under the Bill /Bills of Entry mentioned above have not not been claimed in any other Brand Rate application. In case, the same has been repeated partially or intended to be repeated partially in respect of any future claims,the details thereof and this Ministry’s Brand Rate letter may also be furnished.

    3. If the assessment against any B/E is not final the nature of dispute may be clearly indicated supported by appropriate letter from concerned Customs authorities. Normally no DBK is admitted for provisionally assessed B/Es. In case, Bill of Entry has been provisionally assessed, an undertaking for not claiming the differential DBK amount in case of higher final assessment should be furnished, and in case the final assessment is on lower side, the same has to be intimated to the Department of Revenue, (Drawback Division) for re-fixation of DBK rate/amount.

    4. Refund application made against any B/E, with details must be indicated.

    5. Stock position of the above materials/components also to be given separately (in linked Statement II-A)

    6. The Bills of Entry( in original) evidencing payment of Customs Duty is required to be attached.In case the quantity imported under the Bill of Entry gets exhausted with this Brand Rate application, the same will be retained in the Directorate of Drawback. In case, the quantity imported is partially utilized, the same will be returned with requisite endorsement thereon.

    7. Certified photo copy of the Advance Licence and DEEC Book, wherever applicable may be attached.

    Certified that the particulars mentioned in this statement are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and no claims for refund of duty in respect of any of the above mentioned bills of entries (other than whose details are furnished) has been or will be lodged with the Customs Authorities.

								Address of the Power of Attorney
								Holder or Authorised Agent.
Name & Address of the Institution under which Chartered .

Registration No. & date of Membership
( This is required to the certified / countersingned by
a Chartered Accountant / Cost Accountant )


Details of procurements relating to stock of imported materials as on commencement * date (* the date three months prior to the date of shipment/first shipment) based on FIFO principle, required for manufacture of __________________________________________________(Name of export product).

S.No.DescriptionS.No.in DBK I StatementB/E No. and date covering the Imported stockName of Customs HouseUnitQty. imported originallyAssessable value


Rate of duty (Basic + CVD)Country from where imported & name of supplierIs assessment final ?Amount of duty (to be indicated separately for Basic SAD + CVD)Name and full address of the supplier in case the foreign Stock as on materials/components obtained locallyRemarks


    1. In this statement please furnish details of stock of all the imported inputs mentioned in Statement II which were in stock 3 months prior to the date of shipment/first shipment of the export product and how these were imported/procured. (Actual stock to be given under Col.15, with procurement details in other Columns).

    2. If the assessment for any of the inputs in stock as shown is not final, the nature and current status of dispute may be clearly indicated. (Normally no DBK for provisionally assessed B/E are admitted.

    3. Refund applications made if any for procurement shown in stock with details to be indicted.

    4. The Bills of Entry( in original) evidencing payment of Customs Duty is required to be attached. In case the quantity imported under the Bill of Entry gets exhausted with this Brand Rate application, the same will be retained in the Directorate of Drawback. In case, the quantity imported is partially utilized, the same will be returned with requisite endorsement thereon.

    5. Certified photo copy of the Advance Licence and DEEC Book, wherever applicable may be attached.

    Certified that the particulars mentioned in this statement are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and no claims for refund of duty in respect of any of the above mentioned bills of entries (other than whose details are furnished) has been or will be lodged with the Customs Authorities.

								Address of the Power of Attorney
								Holder or Authorised Agent.
Name & Address of the Institution under which Chartered.

Registration No. & date of Membership
( This is required to the certified / countersigned by
a Chartered Accountant/ Cost Accountant )


Certificate to be appended by an independent Cost Accountant/Chartered Accountant at the end of Statements II and III.

It is certified that –

(a) We have checked the data contained in the Statements II & IIA, III and IIIA and it gives correct details of all stocks and procurements of the inputs used in the manufacture of the export product.

(b) We have checked the data contained in Statements II & IIA, III and IIIA with the original copies of the Bills of entry, stock register and original copy of the gate passes wherever claimed to be available and the same is found to be correct. The stock procurement of every input as claimed is fully supported by Bill of Entry for imported input and gate pass for the indigenous input in the name of the applicant as indicated in the Statements. Wherever there is no bill of entry or gate pass but the procurement is under invoices, the same have been clearly indicated in the statements II/III respectively.

(c) The materials for which data has been furnished in statement II, but no data has been furnished in Statement III, are only of imported origin and no procurements are being made from indigenous sources;

(d) The selling price of the recoverable wastages/co-product/bi-product as indicated in DBK-I have been verified with the sale invoices. These are in order and comparable to their current market price.

(e) The assessment documents (bills of entry/gate passes) have been finally assessed and the manufacturer has not claimed any refund of the duties paid on any of these documents.

(f) Wherever the assessments under any case are provisional or refund of duty claimed against a B/E/G.P. the same has been clearly indicated in related DBL II/III statements.

				Name & Address of the Institution under which chartered………………………...

	Reg. No………………………………………………………………………….

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