Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy
Circular No. 403/36/98-CX dated 17/6/1998

Sub: Nomination of representatives of Service Tax Sector in the Regional Advisory Committees - Instructions

A proposal regarding nomination of representatives of’ Service Tax Sector in the Regional Advisory Committees by DG(Service Tax) has been under consideration of the Board. The DG(ST) has proposed that each Commis-sionerate should have 3 representatives from Service Tax Sector in the RAC with further recommendation that this could be increased to 5 with the Separate RAC for Service Tax Sector, when Service Tax Commissionerates start operation.

2. Until separate Service Tax Commissionerates start functioning and keeping in view that the workload may not be uniform in respect of Service Tax in every Commissionerate, it has been felt that presently Commissionerates of Central Excise may co-opt on ad-hoc basis upto a maximum of 3 members from Service Tax Sector in consultation with the Zonal Chief Commissioner of Central Excise.

3. Board"s existing instructions in respect of RAC(OS) and RAC(SSI) will remain unchanged.

(Roop Chand)
Under Secretray to the Govt. of India


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