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Import Supply No.58/2001
Export Supply No.58/2001
Supply to Daily List
Imp/Exp. On date
PUBLIC NOTICE NO. 07/2001, Dt. 30/01/2001

Donation for the Relief and Rehabilitation of the People Affected by the Earthquake in the State of Gujarat

Attention of Importers, CHAs and other trade interests is invited to Notification No.7/2001-Customs dated 27th January, 2001, issued by the Govt. of India Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) in respect of goods imported into India and intended for donation for the relief and rehabilitation of the people affected by the earthquake in the State of Gujarat, which is reproduced below:

“GSR. (E) 0 In exercise of the powers conferred by supb-section (1) of Section 25 of the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962) the Central Government, being satisfied that it is necessary in public interest so to do, hereby, exempts all goods falling under the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975) when imported into India and intended for donation for the relief and rehabilitation of the people affected by the earthquake in the state of Gujarat from –

(a) the whole of the duty of Custom leviable thereon under the First Schedule to the said Customs Tarrif Act; and

(b) the whole of the additional duty of Customs leviable thereon under the Section 3 of the said Customs Tariff Act;

Subject to the following conditions, namely:

(i) That it is certified by the importer on the relevant clearance documents that the goods are intended to be donated for the relief and rehabilitation of the people affected by the earthquake in the said state without making any charge therefore;

(ii) that the said imported goods are sent to the Central Government, the Government of Gujarat, or as the case may be, the relief agencies of the Central Government, the Government of Gujarat including the relief agencies duly approved by the Government for the purpose; and

(iii) that the importer produce before the Deputy Commissioner or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, within three months from the date of importation of the said goods or within such extended periodas the said officer may allow, a certificate from the District Magistrate of the affected area in the state of Gujarat that the said goods have been donated for use for the aforesaid purpose;

The said notification shall remain in force upto and inclusive of the 31st day of July, 2001.

A special Cell headed by Shri B.K. Singh, Additional Commissioner of Custom (Tel No.263 3130) and consisting of the following officer, has been created in this Custom House to co-ordinate facilitation and expeditious clearance of such goods intended for relief and rehabilitation work:

1) Shri P. Balakrishnan – Dy. Commissioner of Custom (Tel No. 263 4533)

2) Shri Pradeep K. Divgikar – Appraiser (Tel Nos. 262 0845 (Direct) or 265 8231 ext.356)

Trade interests encountering any difficulties/delay relating to clearances of such imports for free distribution for the relief and rehabilitation of the people affected by the earthquake in the state of Gujarat may contact the above mentioned officer for quick assistance. The Special Cell will ensure that the goods imported for the aforesaid purpose are cleared expeditiously.


F.No.S/26 – 28/2001 A(G)



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