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Customs Notification, Circulars Public Notice Public Notices w.e.f 07/04/2006 PUBLIC NOTICE No. 44/2006 Date: 11.09.2006
PUBLIC NOTICE No. 44/2006 Date: 11.09.2006

Implementation of the Risk Management System Creation of a Centralized CHA Directory-Reg.

Attention of the Custom House Agent’s (CHA’s) and their Association and all concerned is invited to Public Notice No. 43/2006 dated 07.09.2006 on the above subject wherein it was notified that the new PAN based CHA directory will come into operation from 11.09.2006. The feedback received from the field suggests and the updations that have actually been carried out in the Central CHA directory suggests that not many CHAs have come forward to update their information in respect of their PAN based registrations. Therefore, it has been decided to shift the changed over date to 19.09.2006.

2. The updation on the old CHA directories were discontinued with effect from 14th July 2006. This was unavoidable since permitting fresh entries into the old CHA registration database would involve rebuilding the centralized PAN based CHA directory. The CHAs who have got fresh licences or have furnished Form C intimation for commencing operations at a site on or after 14th July 2006, have been unable to carry out operations on EDI since 14th July 2006 pending the operationalization of the PAN based CHA directory. Now, such CHAs will be able to work on EDI with effect from 19.09.2006 using their PAN based directories, provided, they get their particulars updated in the Centralized PAN database. The short period between 11.09.06 and 18.09.06 if there are any urgent shipments or import clearances for such CHAs manual documents will be permitted with the approval of the System Manager.

3. The CHA Association are requested to give wide publicity to this Notice and work towards the timely completion of the above exercise.



Asstt. Commissioner of Customs (EDI)

Issued from file S/1-61/2005 EDI (Import)

F. No. S/1-61-2005 EDI

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