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RBI Notification Circulars CIR. NO.99/2002-03-RB, DT. 30/04/2003
A.P.(DIR Series) Circular No. 99/2003-RB, Dt. 30/04/2003

Non-Resident Deposits - Comprehensive Single Return

Authorised Dealers are aware that the National Statistical Commission has recommended introduction of a computerised Comprehensive Single Return (CSR) for collection of data on Non-Resident deposits. With a view to implement the recommendation, Reserve Bank has developed a software package captioned "NRD-CSR", for reporting the data on non-resident deposits through floppy disks on monthly basis as indicated therein.

2. The banks receiving and maintaining Non-Resident Deposits are accordingly required to submit the data in CSR format on monthly basis with effect from April 2003 onwards through electronic media i.e. floppy/ email. To facilitate the banks in this endeavour, the NRD-CSR package is being supplied to all the banks for the use of their head offices as well as their branches. The application has two parts, one for branches and the other for head offices. Head offices of banks will report consolidated data from all concerned branches in the prescribed format to Reserve Bank. This will replace the existing returns in forms STAT-5, 8 & 9 in due course. However, banks may continue to submit STAT-5, STAT-8 & STAT-9 returns as hitherto till further instructions.

3. The reporting format and codes to be used are given in Annexure I. The data in the prescribed format through electronic media pertaining to each month should reach Reserve Bank of India, Department of Statistical Analysis and Computer Services, C/8, Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai 400 051 on or before 10th of the month following the month for which it pertains. Thus the data in the revised format for the month of April 2003 should reach Reserve Bank on or before May 10, 2003.

4. The package is also available on the RBI website (www.rbi.org.in).

5. Authorised Dealers may bring the contents of this circular to the notice of their branches concerned.

6. The directions contained in this circular have been issued under Section 10(4) and Section 11(1) of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (42 of 1999).

Yours faithfully,

Grace Koshie)
Chief General Manager

Annexure I
[A.P.(DIR Series) Circular No.99 dated April 30, 2003]

Non-Resident Deposits - Comprehensive Single Return:
Format for electronic Reporting

Data should be reported in a standard text (ASCII) file with the following format:

Format for reporting data by bank head offices to RBI in floppy Periodicity: Monthly
NoColumn DescriptionColumn TypeRemarks
1.Bank Code7 NBank Working and rest are zero.
2.Reference period6 NPeriod of Reporting (YYYYMM)
3.Period of data (YYYYMM)6 NActual period of the data record.
YYYY represents Year and MM represents Month
4.N.R. D. Scheme code 4 AAs per code Box 1
5.Category of Account holder1 AI for Individual O for OCBs
6.Original Maturity1 NAs per code box 2
7. Remaining Maturity 1 N As per code box 2
8. Country (SWIFT code) 2 A SWIFT Country code
9. A/c Currency (SWIFT code) 3 A As per code box 3
10.Record - type Code 2 AAs per Code Box 4
11.Record - Amount 15 NAmount equivalent in A/c currency in integer (without decimal point).

Note: Period of data can be the reporting period or prior period, to include back data, which are not yet reported to RBI. Important: Please do report data once only. Reporting same data repeatedly will lead to inconsistency. Once data is created using the NRD-CSR package, it also includes one more file giving Bank name, address & contact details.

In case file is prepared by bank from banks own system please report details about bank name, code, postal address, city, pin, name of officer concerned, phone & fax numbers with email id in the forwarding letter.

Details of codes used in the NRD-CSR electronic reporting format are as follows:

Code Box 1
Non-Resident Deposit Scheme Code
Sr. No.Account under the SchemeScheme Code
2.Non-Resident External Rupee AccountNRE
3. Non-Resident (Non-Repatriable) Rupee Account NRNR
4.Non-Resident Special Rupee AccountNRSR
5. Non-Resident Ordinary Rupee Account NRO

Code Box: 2
Maturity Code
Sr. No.Maturity Classification Maturity Code
1.Up to and inclusive of six months1
2.Over six months but less than one year 2
3. Exactly one year3
4.Over one year but less than two years4
5.Exactly two years5
6.Over two years but less than three years6
7.Exactly three years7
8.Over three years 8
9.Unallocated (Savings A/c) 9
In case of savings account residual maturity cannot be determined. In such cases, the residual maturity should be treated as unallocated.

Code Box: 3
Currency Code
Sr. No.Currency NameCurrency Code
1.Deutsche MarkDEM
3.Pound StarlingGPB
4.United States DollarUSD
5. Japanese Yen JPY
Probable currencies acceptable under Non-Resident Deposits during the last few years as per SWIFT Code.

Code Box 4
Record Type Code
No. Record TypeDescription of data item on the recordCode
1.InflowFresh inflow from abroad FI
2.Amount of interest reinvestedIR
3.Amount of renewed / transfer from other A/c PR
4.Local inflow (for NRO Savings A/c)LI
5. OutflowAmount of principal remitted abroad PA
6. Amount of interest remitted abroad IA
7. Amount of principal remitted locally PL
8. Amount of interest remitted locally IL
9. Local withdrawals LW
10. Transfers to other A/c TR
11. Balances Opening Balance, including unclaimed OB
12. Closing Balance, including unclaimed CB
13. Unclaimed BalanceUC
14 Interest Accrued as on end of Ref. MonthAI
15. Interest Suspense Balance (Interest Arrears) SB
16. Average Interest rate for a groupAR
Note: These codes are used by the NRD-CSR package and maintained internally.

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