Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy
Cus Cir No 66/2001 Date 19/11/2001

Sub: Extending TRA (Telegraphic Release Advice) facility under DEPB Scheme to non notified places.

Kind attention is invited to Para 6 of DOR Circular No.85/99-Cus. dated 23.12.99 interms of which TRA facility under DEPB Scheme has been extended for import onlyfrom sea-ports, airports, ICDs, LCSs which are notified in DEPB Customs Notification No.34/97-Cus.

2. Representations have been received in the Board that in respect of exports permittedfrom a nonnotified place by the ommissioner of Customs in terms of proviso toNotification No.34/97-Cus., the DEPB scrip (issued with port of registration for suchnon-notified place) often remains unutilised. This is because such exports are made fromLCSs to countries like Pakistan, Nepal & Bangladesh from where there is hardly anyscope for import of goods. As the gateway route through such LCSs is limited, trade hasbeen demanding that TRA facility should be made available to such DEPB scrips toensure proper utilisation.

3. The issue has been examined in Board. It has been decided that in order to ensureproper utilisation of DEPB scrips issued with port of registration for a non-notified place,TRA facility shall be extended so as to permit import against it from any of the sea-portsor airports notified in DEPB Customs Notification No.34/97 dated 7.4.97.

4. The Custom Houses, who issue such TRAs in terms of Para 3 above, shall keep arecord of the TRA issued against each DEPB scrip in Licence Registers. The TRA wouldbe issued indicating details of description, value and quantity of the goods as well as thenotified sea-port/airport through which import would be permitted. The DEPB Sr. No.,date of issue and the extent of duty entitlement in the DEPB scrip shall also be indicatedin the TRA for facilitating imports. The Custom House receiving the TRA shall senddetails of imports effected to the concerned Custom House (who has issued the TRA) forthe purpose of aintaining details of the use of TRAs and actual imports made against theDEPB scrip from other sea-ports/airports in relevant register. The Asstt.Commissioner/Dy. Commissioner incharge of the Custom Houses (who issues TRA)shall be responsible for maintaining proper account of goods actually imported againstDEPB scrip through TRA facility to ensure that only the quantity/ value of materials asspecified in the DEPB scrip are imported & there is no misuse of this facility.

5. Receipt of this Circular may please be acknowledged. Difficulties, if any, in theimplementation of these instructions may be brought to Board’s notice.

6. This Circular supercedes Board’s Circular No.47/2001-Cus. dated 31.8.2001.

(R.K. Talajia),
Sr. Technical Officer (DBK)

(Please refer CUS CIR NO.25/2003 DATE 01/04/2003)

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